
Laura Jenkins, PhD

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Correspondent, (2018, February 5). Laura Jenkins, PhD. Psychreg on Profiles.
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Laura Jenkins, PhD is a university teacher in psychology within the School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences at Loughborough University. Her teaching is focused on several areas of psychology at both undergraduate and foundation levels. Laura is a Chartered Psychologist with the British Psychological Society and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Laura regularly speaks at various international conferences.

She completed her PhD at Northumbria University, where she taught the core areas of psychology within the Department and gained an interest in developing her own pedagogical methods. 

In 2017, Laura designed a Psychological and Behavioural Sciences course for Oxford Royale Academy, for students aged 19–25 years, and each summer the course aims to teach several areas of psychology to the students enrolled. Laura continues her connections with Oxford Royale Academy by offering advice on how to design and structure course material and independent learning tasks for students.

Laura has worked in many universities within the UK, including Oxford Brookes University where she worked as a psychology demonstrator. In this role, Laura focussed on teaching research methods and statistics to undergraduate and postgraduate students. 

For her PhD project, Laura investigated the functional working memory architecture of visual change detection tasks, in particular how qualitative measures of visual working memory (assessing small array changes) can develop and subsequently link to intelligence. In the long term and alongside dissertation students, Laura hopes to research how these measures can develop over the lifespan.

Laura’s other research interests lie within areas of personality and emotion recognition, and also how people can detect angry faces. Laura has publications within these areas and aims to continue with this line of research in the future with her students. She sits on the editorial board of Psychreg Journal of Psychology.

You can connect with Laura on Twitter @LauraJks2015ResearchGate, and LinkedIn.

