Robert Haynes

3 Ways to Keep Your Energy Up While Attending University

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Robert Haynes, (2021, November 4). 3 Ways to Keep Your Energy Up While Attending University. Psychreg on Education & Learning.
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Sure, college students are young adults in their prime, but they are often the most exhausted population. 

Studying in a dreary library, working multiple jobs, attending class, and maintaining a social life are just some of the many realities that most college students undertake during their time in higher education.

So, what can be done to help these busy young people thrive during this crucial time of their lives?

Here are three hacks for keeping your energy up during university studies. 

Supplement your brain health

Our parents didn’t tell us to eat our vegetables for nothing. By feeding yourself nutritious food that nourishes your health, you will see your body handle the stress of college better. The vitamins and nutrients from a well-balanced diet that includes fruits and vegetables will give you the fuel you need to perform better.

If you are like most students and can only afford to live off of ramen, you might feel a bit weak, even if you are sleeping enough. Consider supplements and vitamins that build better brain health. This can include energy-boosting supplements and physical health-benefiting supplements. A combination of a good diet and the addition of supplements can help your body maintain the energy it needs to cope. 

Manage your time wisely

It can be tough for a young adult who has found themselves entirely independent, very quickly. With all the newfound freedom, it’s understandable why so many students drop out before they get to their sophomore year. 

The key to keeping yourself afloat and energized through the new world of college is by managing your schedule and sticking to it. Sure, there are many spontaneous opportunities to try new things and make friends, but it’s important to schedule a time to study and keep up with classwork. 

There are many ways to manage your time. There’s the old-fashioned way of using a weekly planner. Many students find it beneficial to have a first-hand overview of their course obligations at any given moment. Of course, if you’d prefer a more modern option, you could use Google Calendar or iCal to keep track of all your responsibilities. 

Ultimately, if you don’t plan your time, you won’t invest it properly. So, get in the habit of #adulting now before you fall too far behind and can’t catch up. 

Trying to balance a

Don’t be afraid to ask for help

ll the responsibilities of caring for yourself while studying hard can be very overwhelming and weigh you down. Being a student is a full-time job, and when your studies become too difficult, you may need more time than usual to dedicate to your course load. Staying up late and burning the midnight oil may seem like the only option when your classes start to look harder than you can handle, but there is a better way. 

Don’t shy away from getting support for your studies. This doesn’t mean you have to pay loads for expensive private tutoring. Most colleges offer a free tutoring or mentoring program to their students that can help with more difficult courses. 

Along with this, many students create study groups within their classes that can be beneficial for trading notes and ideas. 

Take charge of your health as a student

College is both a very exciting and very stressful time for a young adult. Having to be able to take care of yourself for the first time while also studying and going to school full-time is a huge, tiring task. 

When you follow these simple steps, you may find that college doesn’t have to be exhausting. But that, in fact, it’s a fun, healthy experience you need to set you off on the best course toward bigger and better things. 

Robert Haynes did his degree in psychology at the University of Hertfordshire. He is interested in mental health and well-being.

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