Adam Mulligan

Health & Medicine

Simple Tips and Remedies to Conquer Insomnia

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Adam Mulligan, (2021, August 31). Simple Tips and Remedies to Conquer Insomnia. Psychreg on Health & Medicine.
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Insomnia is a psychosomatic disorder and the first to be identified. It was labelled so by Johann Heinroth in 1818. The condition was described as a ‘subjective perception of dissatisfaction with the amount and/or quality of sleep’. Today its prevalence ranges from 10%–15% of the general population and is more common in older people and women. The symptoms include waking up early, irritability, constant worries about sleep and daytime tiredness. It could be either short-term or long-term. Losing sleep can disrupt the quality of life and make you prone to high blood pressure, stroke, obesity and diabetes.

The good news is that there are ample sleep management techniques that can help. For example, simple lifestyle changes can make a world of difference. Take a look at a few such tips to sleep better at night and reduce the chances of health complications.

CBD infused products 

A strong dosage of CBD is ideal for disorders like insomnia or anyone dealing with interrupted sleep cycles since it reduces the time taken to fall asleep. It can also minimise the number of times you wake up at night. A high dosage also offers ample relief from situational anxiety. This further helps you to sleep peacefully. Approximately 10mg to 20mg every day is ideal. It will ensure a relaxing and calming effect to put you to sleep. Pick CBD chocolates, skincare products, tinctures and capsules from a reputed store for the best results.

Additionally, evidence suggests that nootropics with certain formulas can have a positive impact on regulating sleep. Companies such as BrainFit and ChemicalPlanet conduct extensive research on neurotransmitters that our body needs for good, quality sleep. However, if you decide to try such supplements, consult your doctor to learn about the recommended dose for your body if you take certain prescription drugs since those can combine in ways that could have an adverse effect.

Reduce blue-light exposure 

Reduce the use of electronic gadgets, like tablets, laptops, TV and smartphones. This is especially crucial 2–3 hours before bedtime. Blue light impairs your body’s ability to sleep since a hormone called melatonin is blocked. This makes you less drowsy and ultimately the body loses out on sleep. Try to use blue light blocking glasses if you cannot cut down on device use. Consider lowering the brightness or shift to a dark mode for apps like Instagram or Facebook.

Mindful meditation

Sleep difficulties are often linked to stress, tension or chronic worry. Meditation can quiet the mind and body while inducing inner peace and reducing insomnia troubles. There is an overall sense of calmness and rejuvenation. Meditation and deep breathing can also decrease blood pressure, activate the parts of the brain that regulate sleep and control the heart rate. These can also promote a great snooze without interruptions.

Restful environment

The bedroom should be free of noise, bright light or excessive heat. These are the top factors that can interfere with your sleep. Light, in particular, makes it hard to fall asleep. Use heavy curtains to dim the room. Shut the door to avoid any outdoor noise. Keep the room cool by letting in the night air or simply switching on the AC. Make sure the bed is soft and fluffy enough to help the body sink. All of these can help you feel heavy-eyed in a short while.

Avoid tobacco and alcohol before bedtime. Try not to take bathroom breaks at night. Drink enough water to avoid waking up from thirst though. Establish a fixed sleep routine. This way the body will be trained to feel sleepy at a particular time at night. You can also listen to relaxing music or try aromatherapy to sleep calmly.

Adam Mulligan did his degree in psychology at the University of Hertfordshire. He is interested in mental health and well-being.

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