
Talking With Pictures: Photovoice

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News, (2018, May 11). Talking With Pictures: Photovoice. Psychreg on Mental Health & Well-Being.
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University of Hawaii at Manoa
Talking with Pictures: Photovoice – 2–10 June 2018
5 online sessions, 1.5–2 hours each

This non-credit professional course provides hands-on experience with adapting Photovoice to clinical care, programming, evaluation, and research. Upon completion, participants will have the knowledge, skills and tools to develop a Photovoice plan. For 25 years, Photovoice has involved people with disabilities, patients, youth, and communities in representing their lives, point of view, and experience using photos and captions. Photovoice is a participatory approach to communication that generates powerful data (photos, captions) that engages clients, clinicians, and the public in identifying opportunities for change, fostering knowledge and awareness, and helps people to feel their ‘voices’ are heard.

Instructor: Laura Lorenz, PhD, MEd, an award-winning educator, has used Photovoice to engage people with brain injury in health, healthcare, and policy.

CEs (continuing education) for social workers and mental health professionals. To register, click here

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