David Radar

Using DistillerSR as a Data Extraction Tool for Your Literature Review

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David Radar, (2023, August 5). Using DistillerSR as a Data Extraction Tool for Your Literature Review. Psychreg on Education & Learning. https://www.psychreg.org/using-distillersr-data-extraction-tool-literature-review/
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Distiller systematic review software is designed to help researchers automate every stage of a literature review, enabling them to significantly improve the processes behind their evidence-based research. DistillerSR tools include powerful data extraction features that can optimise the data collection, analysis, and organisation of data references for studies.

What Is DistillerSR systematic review software?

DistillerSR is a literature review software that uses artificial intelligence (AI) and intelligent workflows to speed up, increase accuracy, and promote transparency in the process of creating systematic reviews. DistillerSR simplifies related methods while producing results that are sound, validated, and compliant with academic standards.

What are the three types of systematic reviews?

A systematic review is a rigorous research method that takes a systematic approach to the collection, review, and reporting of expansive published data references such as peer-reviewed journal articles, experiments, and gray literature. Systematic reviews are primarily used in the field of health sciences and medicine.

Under the umbrella of systematic reviews, there are three important types to consider:

Rapid review

A rapid review is an assessment of existing knowledge about a policy or practice. It follows the same process as a traditional systematic review (though not as strict) to search and appraise current research in the sciences library. This systematic review is done to produce search results quickly, usually due to a time limit. It is usually limited to some restrictions and focuses on pre-specified search and screening methods; the systematic review is also typically narrative and tabular in form.

Scoping review

A scoping review is an exploratory preliminary assessment that checks the nature and extent of available research to address a broad research question. It attempts to specify whether a systematic review is viable or if file references could be of better use elsewhere – which is usually the case if a scoping systematic review finds that there is insufficient data to conduct further evidence-based research.

Living review

A living review is a systematic review that considers new search references as they become available. It’s done like a traditional systematic review, except it involves continual active monitoring of research (instead of only including those in the scope of the project), which are immediately communicated in the review. A reviewer is responsible for staying up-to-date with the new search references and monitoring real-time study progress.

What is the alternative to DistillerSR for conducting systematic reviews?

Aside from other systematic review software, the alternative to DistillerSR is the manual implementation of systematic review processes, which could prove time-consuming, labor-intensive, and wasteful of references. Using DistillerSR as a data extraction tool and a systematic review instrument will drastically make a search project more manageable.

Why use a data extraction tool for your systematic review?

Data extraction is one of the most rigorous parts of a systematic review. Finding references is very research-intensive and, in some circumstances, can take years to complete. However, thanks to data extraction tools for systematic reviews like DistillerSR, this step can now be finished more swiftly and with higher accuracy. Conducting systematic reviews has become easier than ever before with these tools.

Using a data extraction tool in systematic review can make data collection, management, categorisation, validation, and refinement much more streamlined. You’ll be able to efficiently cross-review references and eliminate duplicates, easily analyse complex data, and simplify data cleaning, conversions, and calculations.

David Radar, a psychology graduate from the University of Hertfordshire, has a keen interest in the fields of mental health, wellness, and lifestyle.

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