Robert Haynes

How Divorce Affects Your Mental Health

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Robert Haynes, (2022, March 8). How Divorce Affects Your Mental Health. Psychreg on Family, Children & Relationship.
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It should come as no surprise to learn that a high percentage of divorces that experienced a high degree of conflict are often associated with a range of poor mental health outcomes.

Seeking out professional divorce guidance by searching family lawyers Doncaster, for example, can help bring an element of stability and structure to tense and stressful negotiations, but there is little doubt that going through a divorce can have a negative impact on your mental health.

Here is a look at the aspects of divorce that are likely to affect your physical and mental state.

Divorce represents a major transition point in your life

Regardless of who asked for the separation or the underlying reasons why it has got to this point in your relationship it is a scenario that often proves to be mentally and physically exhausting.

It is a natural human emotion to feel troubled by moments of transition in your life. Divorce definitely counts as a major transition and it can be such a challenging time that you are almost certain to be affected in some way, even if the separation is reasonably amicable.

It, therefore, makes a lot of sense that you are much more prone to the effects of depression and anxiety during this turbulent and transitional period in your life.

Those stress levels are raised even higher when there is conflict in the divorce process such as disagreements over custody and access to children within the marriage.

Impact on your health

If you do succumb to levels of stress and anxiety as a result of going through a divorce you are likely to see the physical effect of this.

Everyone is different, and that means that some of us will cope with the stress and anxiety of divorce better than others.

Finding a way forward

As these health-related symptoms and physical manifestations of stress can have a detrimental impact on your daily life it is imperative that you try to find some ways to cope and move on with the next chapter of your life.

Firstly, it is important to say that it is perfectly normal and acceptable to reach out and ask for support at such a difficult time. As well as getting professional legal guidance to ease the burden of divorce proceedings it is also essential that you find a way to work through your emotions.

You might be able to find a divorce support group, for instance, so that you can connect with people who are going through the same process as you.

It is actually quite normal to experience the same emotions as grief when you go through a divorce. You will experience a wide range of feelings from anger and sadness, to frustration and even uncertainty about how you are going to move on with your life.

One of the most critical aspects of divorce is the need to understand that it can have an impact on your mental health.

Make sure you take all the right steps to look after your physical and mental wellbeing at such a difficult time.

Robert Haynes did his degree in psychology at the University of Hertfordshire. He is interested in mental health, wellness, and lifestyle.

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