Tim Williamson

10 Different Careers You Could Go Into After Taking a Psychology Degree

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Tim Williamson, (2023, May 9). 10 Different Careers You Could Go Into After Taking a Psychology Degree. Psychreg on Business & Industry. https://www.psychreg.org/different-careers-you-could-go-after-taking-psychology-degree/
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Getting a psychology degree is a difficult, albeit an incredibly rewarding process. But once you get one, it can be hard to make a decision on what to do with it. Since there are plenty of different careers under the psychology umbrella, you may need help parsing through your options.

Some college graduates may start off their search by looking through generic job posting websites. While sites like Indeed can be a great way to find jobs in the psychology field, you’re better off narrowing down your search to psychology job-hunting sites and directories. 

For example, Psychology Jobs is one of the best ways to find psychology jobs online. This site will connect you with quality roles in your field, whether you’re a junior or senior professional. 

Here are 10 different careers to try if you have a psychology degree:

A psychology degree gives new graduates plenty of options to explore. From working in healthcare to a business setting, here are 10 different careers you should consider.

1. Clinical Psychologist

If you have the right qualifications, training, and experience, the most obvious path would be that of a clinical psychologist. A clinical psychologist applies theoretical knowledge to diagnose and treat mental health conditions by practicing evidence-based psychological interventions. 

2. School counsellor

If helping children struggling with personal issues is your passion, then school counseling might be just what you’re looking for! As a school counselor, your job would involve helping pupils deal with educational concerns as well as providing guidance on day-to-day interpersonal matters.

3. Business consultant

For those interested in the corporate world, there’s an opportunity to use your expertise outside of traditional healthcare settings. For example, Business consultants help employers improve their bottom lines through applied psychology research projects like leadership development.

4. Residential care worker

Care workers specialising in residential settings can find themselves working within group homes or other supervised living environments. They assist in practical personal matters like juggling schedules, helping with housing applications, and bringing order to daily life. 

5. Addiction counsellor

The need for addiction counselors has grown dramatically over the years as the awareness of how substance abuse affects mental health has increased. Your psychology degree can open doors as an addiction counselor, but you may need specialised training to get a decent job.

6. Rehabilitation counsellor

A related field to consider is rehabilitation counselling, where individuals coming out of prison, psychiatric hospitals or drug treatment facilities are helped. Rehabilitation counselors will perform tasks such as developing relapse prevention plans and employability support. 

7. Forensic psychologist

With careful thought and preparation, you could break into interesting fields such as forensic psychology. This field combines psychological and law-based knowledge. Your skills will be beneficial in various legal settings, such as courtrooms, detention centers, jails, or prisons. 

8. Occupational therapist

If applying culturally sensitive strategies and interventions to improve quality of life appeals to you, then occupational therapy could be the right route. As an occupational therapist, you help individuals build on existing skills and develop new ones to increase a person’s independence. 

9. Human resources

For those interested in dealing more with workplace functions, from recruitment to employee retention, there’s also the option of specialising in human resources. You’ll help build effective teams, orient newcomers into the culture, and complete tasks related to staff management. 

10. Sports psychologist

Sports psychologists are often sought by athletes looking to maximise their performance levels through mental preparation or visualisation exercises. Sports psychologists can be seen working with high-profile players for the purpose of improving their motivation and concentration.

Tim Williamson, a psychology graduate from the University of Hertfordshire, has a keen interest in the fields of mental health, wellness, and lifestyle.

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