Ellen Diamond

Mind & Brain

How Does Memory Work? A Journey into the Depths of the Human Mind

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Ellen Diamond, (2023, August 17). How Does Memory Work? A Journey into the Depths of the Human Mind. Psychreg on Mind & Brain. https://www.psychreg.org/how-does-memory-work-journey-depths-human-mind/
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Human memory is, without doubt, one of the most sophisticated, intricate and vital aspects of our cognition. It’s our own personal hard drive, recording moments from our first steps to our latest online article reads. But have you ever paused to wonder how exactly our brain accomplishes this impressive feat? 

Memory’s three-step dance

The process of memory can be broken down into three primary stages: encoding, storage, and retrieval.

  • Encoding. This is the initial phase, where the sensory information from our environment is transformed into a form that can be stored in the brain. For instance, the words you are currently reading are transformed from visual symbols into meaningful concepts that your brain can comprehend.
  • Storage. Post encoding, these memories need a place to reside. This is where storage comes into play. Memories are stored in different parts of the brain depending on their nature and importance. The hippocampus, for instance, plays a crucial role in the storage of long-term memories.
  • Retrieval. This is the phase where stored information is brought back to conscious thought. Think of it as accessing a file on your computer; you need to know the path to retrieve it. Similarly, certain cues or triggers can help in retrieving a specific memory from the vast vault of your mind.

The types of memory

Our brain doesn’t just have one universal type of memory storage. Instead, it differentiates memories based on their duration and depth:

  • Sensory memory. These are short-lived and pertain to our immediate sensory experiences. Imagine noticing the aroma of freshly baked bread as you walk past a bakery; that fleeting recognition is sensory memory.
  • Short-term memory (or working memory). This type of memory acts as a temporary storehouse, holding information we need right now. It’s limited in capacity and without rehearsal or active recall; most of this data fades away within seconds to minutes.
  • Long-term memory. As the name suggests, long-term memory is designed for the long haul. It’s where our life experiences, facts, skills, and almost infinite amounts of other information reside. This type of memory has a vast capacity, and with the right cues, memories from years ago can be brought to the fore.

The fragility and flexibility of memory

As impressive as our memory systems are, they are not infallible. Memories are susceptible to distortion. Factors like time, external influence, and even our own beliefs can alter how we remember events. This is why two individuals can recall the same event differently.

Moreover, our memories are malleable. The phenomenon of “neuroplasticity” shows that the brain has the ability to reorganise itself, forming new connections throughout life. This flexibility ensures that even if certain parts of our brain are damaged, it can adapt, and we can still form and retrieve memories.

Enhancing Memory

Understanding how memory works also gives us insights into how we can enhance it. A few proven strategies include:

  • Repetition. Revisiting and rehearsing information makes it more likely to be stored in long-term memory.
  • Mnemonics. Techniques that use associations to link new information with existing memories can boost recall.
  • Adequate sleep. Sleep plays a crucial role in memory consolidation, the process of stabilising and solidifying memories.
  • Active engagement. Being actively engaged and making an effort to understand the information leads to better encoding and retention.


The workings of memory are both fascinating and complex. From the momentary capture of sensory experiences to the vast archives of long-term memory, our brain’s capacity to store and retrieve information is truly wondrous. While we’ve touched upon the basics, the intricacies of neural connections, the play of neurotransmitters, and the still-unfolding discoveries about memory can fill volumes. As we continue to unearth more about this subject, one thing remains clear: the marvel that is the human memory will forever intrigue and inspire those who seek to understand it.

Ellen Diamond , a psychology graduate from the University of Hertfordshire, has a keen interest in the fields of mental health, wellness, and lifestyle.

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