Galentine’s Day: Now an Excuse Used by Women to Go See Their Lovers

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, (2019, February 5). Galentine’s Day: Now an Excuse Used by Women to Go See Their Lovers. Psychreg on Family, Children & Relationship.
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It was revealed that 7 in 10 unfaithful women will be spending the 13th of February with their lovers this year. And what’s more, 74% will use going out with friends for Galentine’s Day as an excuse.

A study conducted by Gleeden, the leading site in Europe for extramarital dating with almost 5 million members, had already found out that the most common excuse used by women who want to see their lovers is ‘going out with friends’ (66%).

The 13th of February is therefore the perfect excuse for every woman who wants to celebrate an alternative type of Valentine’s Day with her lover: the Galentine’s Day excuse.

Around 71% of unfaithful women will find a way to spend a few hours with their paramour on the 13th of February.

Galentine’s Day: from TV to reality, here is how the day for ladies to celebrate ladies was born
nine years ago, the 16th episode of the second season of the extremely popular sitcom Parks and Recreation was aired. In that episode, we could see a very busy Leslie Knope (Amy Poeler) organising her annual ‘Galentine’s Day’ party on February 13th, to celebrate the important women of her life.

Without realising it at the time, they made history. From that day on, in a more or less official way, the idea of a day for ‘ladies to celebrate ladies’ – especially the day before Valentine’s Day – seemed so legitimate that it was soon adopted all around the globe, including in the UK.

This is why on the 13th of February women (or gals, get it?) of every country have jumped on board and started celebrating each other. Pure girl power, right? But what if behind all this enthusiasm, there was a second, less ‘noble’ motivation?

Lovers from all over the world need an excuse to see each other. 

February 13th is Valentine’s Day for lovers: There are 7 out of 10 unfaithful women will see theirs that day.  Tradition has it that February 13th is also the so-called ‘Mistress Day’, or the day clandestine lovers celebrate their relationship (because official couples celebrate theirs on actual Valentine’s Day). And of course, on that day, lovers from all over the world need an excuse to see each other.

This is how clever ladies took advantage of Galentine’s Day, the increasingly popular holiday. What’s a better excuse than the day dedicated to girlfriends to meet up with another kind of friend? As Leslie Knope put it: ‘It’s only the best day of the year!’

As expected, the new survey conducted by Gleeden confirms that trend: Around 71% of unfaithful women will find a way to spend a few hours with their paramour on February 13th. The excuse they will use? 74% already know for sure: ‘Baby, I’m going out with my friends tonight!’

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