Howard Diamond

Health & Medicine

How to Enjoy Safe Summer?

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Howard Diamond, (2023, August 9). How to Enjoy Safe Summer?. Psychreg on Health & Medicine.
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Safety is important all year long. During the course of this article, we will focus on summertime. We can have fun in the sun this season, but we want to be sure it is also safe and healthy for our entire family.

Unfortunately, these sunny days of summer can be accompanied by serious dangers such as food poisoning, drowning, allergy attacks, heat-related illnesses, sunburns and the stress of travelling.

Sun safety summer happens when we get too much exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays, primarily from the sun, which can cause skin damage and lead to skin cancer.

We must take precautions and use smart ways, like putting sunscreen all over our bodies with a significant protection number (SPF) approximately thirty minutes before exposure to the sun. Reapply the sunscreen every two hours thereafter. Putting on hats, sunglasses and clothes that have SPF ratings helps protect us against potentially harmful UV rays. In addition, we limit our time in the sun, especially between 10 am and 3 pm.

In bicycle safety, different places have a variety of laws. In New York State, the requirement is that all children under 14 years of age wear an approved, properly-fitted helmet while riding a bicycle or as a passenger.

Also, this is strongly recommended for everyone. All bicycles must have a headlight and twilight, a bell and or horn, reflectors on the wheels and brakes. Everyone, please adhere to all the rules of the road and yield to all pedestrians. Let’s be careful and safe. 

There are two distinct types of water safety. They are a beach and a swimming pool.  Each has similar rules. In both, which is obvious, know how to swim; if you don’t, please learn. Secondly, always swim close to a lifeguard and follow his rules and regulations. Remember, drowning is the second leading cause of accidental, injury-related death of children under five.

At the beach, never swim alone. Beware of powerful rip currents, channelled streams of water. This has the possibility of sweeping a swimmer away from the shore. If we are in doubt, do not enter the water at all.

Safety first, and err on the side of caution. In a pool, never leave a child out of eyesight. Keep emergency equipment near the pool. Remove all toys after use, so children are not tempted to reach them while ensuring they don’t fall in. This also applies to a spa or a hot tub.

For fireworks, it is important to know that it is illegal to buy, sell, or light and set off any fireworks, including sparklers. Over the last several years, illness and death rates have skyrocketed. No pun intended.

Sparklers and fireworks lead the way as the most frequent cause of injuries. The object is to have ten fingers and toes plus both our eyes intact and working properly. I want my ten fingers and ten toes; how about everyone else?

Also, we can avoid a ride to an emergency room rather than having a  good time. We can all appreciate fireworks through one of these shows by local municipalities and towns run by licensed professionals. 

Travelling safely has its own pitfalls. Certain points become more relevant when we drive a vehicle during the summer, so I will name three. When the temperature rises, our air conditioning gets more usage increases, plus it works harder.

Second, summertime has proven to be especially harmful to children regarding vehicular heatstroke.  And third, since we are in the car more often, check the belts and hoses plus, more importantly, the tires. 

Remember, during summer days, to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids. Focus on cold water and fruit juices to help fluid consumption. Even though having many cups of cold soda keeps us cool, drinking other items may be a better option.

Another possibility is fruit slices, such as oranges, cantaloupe, honeydew, watermelon, and pineapple. Once in a while, pop a grape in our mouth for instant refreshment and a good amount of hydration.

This article mentioned different techniques that can keep us safe during the summer days. Please try some or all of them, and most importantly, have a safe and healthy summer. I will try to do what is possible for me to accomplish. 

Howard Diamond is a New York State-certified peer specialist from Long Island.


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