Robert Haynes

How to Take Control of Your Child’s ADHD

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Robert Haynes, (2023, February 27). How to Take Control of Your Child’s ADHD. Psychreg on Family, Children & Relationship.
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If your child has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, you may be used to symptoms such as inattentiveness, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Children with unmanaged ADHD suffer academically and socially, and it can carry on into adulthood, causing even more issues. There are various ways to manage ADHD, but many parents look for natural remedies for anxiety in children instead of the medication that is often prescribed. There are additional ways to control symptoms and help your child manage daily life.

Provide positive reinforcement

Many children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder suffer from self-esteem issues because they tend to experience more criticism than other kids do. They are also more sensitive to punishment. As a result, focusing on the positive and giving praise, when appropriate, is helpful.

Although there may be days when it is hard to find, look for good things that your child does, such as finishing homework, behaving appropriately, or completing a task. Let your child know he or she did a good job and reward it with a fun activity or even just a high five or a smile. Experts say that children with ADHD should receive praise four to five times as many times as they do criticism.

Establish a healthy physical lifestyle

Lifestyle can play a big role in managing ADHD symptoms. Sleep, exercise, and a healthy diet are all important. Make sure your child is getting enough sleep, as this allows the body to reset and helps improve focus and learning.

Physical activity, whether it is playing soccer, playing tag, or riding a bike, helps your child release excess energy that enhances many of the symptoms associated with ADHD. A structured activity also helps to improve self-esteem and develop self-control.

What your child eats can affect symptoms, and sometimes dramatically. Eating whole and organic foods is best, and it is good to introduce a wide variety of nutrients from fresh fruit, veggies, grass-fed protein, and dairy. For some people, artificial ingredients increase hyperactivity symptoms. Limit or avoid fake dyes, artificial flavours, and artificial sugar. Sugar should also be limited.

If you are concerned about the side effects of the prescriptions often recommended for ADHD, you may be wondering if there are best non habit forming anxiety medication. The answer is that there are natural and homoeopathic alternatives that are safe for use and do not need a prescription. 

Develop routines

When reading Brillia for children reviews, you may notice that introducing routines and habits work well with homoeopathic remedies. Doing homework or chores around the house at the same times every day helps children stay on task. It may help to develop a checklist with your child of things that need to be accomplished. Have your child do homework in the same spot each time, set a timer, and allow for breaks so your child can get some movement.

There is no cure or specific treatment for ADHD, but there are management strategies that improve symptoms. Combining these with natural medication can make a big difference.

Final thoughts

Managing attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a challenging task for parents, but it is crucial for the academic and social success of their child. While medication is often prescribed to manage ADHD symptoms, many parents opt for natural remedies for anxiety in children. Positive reinforcement, establishing a healthy physical lifestyle, and developing routines are effective strategies for managing ADHD symptoms.

By praising children with ADHD, providing them with healthy food choices, promoting physical activity, and developing routines, parents can help their children manage daily life with ADHD. With a combination of these strategies and natural medication, children with ADHD can achieve success in their academic and personal lives.

Robert Haynes, a psychology graduate from the University of Hertfordshire, has a keen interest in the fields of mental health, wellness, and lifestyle.

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