Ellen Diamond

Mind & Brain

7 Tips on How to Boost Your Brain’s Memory and Focus

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Ellen Diamond, (2021, July 16). 7 Tips on How to Boost Your Brain’s Memory and Focus. Psychreg on Mind & Brain. https://www.psychreg.org/forgetfulness-brain-memory-focus/
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Whether it is misplacing your car keys or forgetting your grocery list before heading to the neighbourhood grocery store, forgetfulness is a common occurrence, especially as you age or when life gets too busy. With that said, you must not ignore a consistently poor memory and a lack of focus. Our brain, just like any other part of the body, deserves some attention to keep it strong and healthy. 

Fortunately, several measures can prove to be fruitful in helping you boost your brainpower. By incorporating these good health habits into your daily routine, you can sharpen your memory, increase concentration, and enhance mental performance, regardless of age.

Train your brain

Just as physical exercise helps keep the body in good condition, mental workouts help keep the brain in shape. Accordingly, keeping your brain active is essential at all stages of life. 

Crossword puzzles and jigsaw puzzles are excellent ways to stimulate and challenge your brain, which can help improve its function. Putting together puzzles activates many cognitive abilities, which help strengthen the brain and keep memory loss at bay. They serve as a great mental exercise that reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive decline. 


While mental exercise is crucial for your brain health, it does not mean that you can overlook the significance of physical training and breaking a sweat. Regularly training your body minimises the risk of cognitive decline as you age and protects your brain against degeneration.

Aerobic exercises increase the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain, creating new neurons and connections. That can help you stay mentally sharp and ward off the brain’s natural decline as you age, boosting your overall health. 

Eat brain-boosting foods

While there is no magic bullet to prevent cognitive decline and ensure a sharp brain in the latter part of your life, certain foods are associated with better brainpower.

A brain-boosting diet would consist of a healthy dose of Omega-3 fatty acids. They are a vital building block of the brain and can help sharpen thinking and memory skills. Fruits like berries are considered superfoods that can improve focus and memory due to the high amounts of antioxidants they contain, like flavonoids. Likewise, leafy green vegetables are full of antioxidants and carotenoids that improve brain health. Drinking green tea is also proven to enhance mental function by boosting memory and attention due to its l-theanine and caffeine content. 


There is some evidence that nootropic supplements could help promote your brain function and reduce age-related decline. 

While the internet is full of brands claiming to have brain-boosting power, opting for a natural nootropic will work best to improve brain health in the long term. As mentioned in the Mind Lab Pro review, Mind Lab Pro is a complex dietary supplement consisting of eleven nootropics. It claims to improve your learning ability, enhance brain function, and protect your neurons. Most importantly, it is proven to be safe and free from any side effects. 


Social interaction is an integral aspect of cognitive development since we are born. However, several studies have shown that socialisation is just as essential in keeping our brains active as we age. Making new connections and partaking in social activities helps keep the mind agile and improves cognitive function. It keeps stress and depression at bay, both of which can be risk factors for memory loss. 

Accordingly, make time for friends, dine out with loved ones, volunteer, or join a club to stimulate your brain. Those with the most social lives have the lowest rate of mental decline dementia. 


Mediation is an effective technique to fine-tune your memory and enhance your brain’s capability to process information. Plenty of evidence demonstrates that those who mediate have a better spatial working memory than those who do not. 

A few minutes of mindfulness meditation each day can improve your psychological well-being by reducing stress and anxiety, preserving the ageing brain, and boosting concentration and attention levels. 

Sleep well

Not getting enough sleep can compromise your brain health. Sleep is critical for memory consolidation, and lack of it can hinder the processes the brain uses to create memories. Being sleep-deprived can also significantly impact your creativity, problem-solving skills, and critical thinking skills. 


Getting 7–9 hours of sleep each night will make your brain function at its best and help it create and store long-term memories which you can recall down the road.

A strong memory and focus are dependent upon the overall health and vitality of the brain. By taking some simple measures and making small lifestyle changes, you can maximise your brain’s performance and protect yourself from memory loss and reduced concentration.

Ellen Diamond did her degree in psychology at the University of Edinburgh. She is interested in mental health and well-being.

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