Dina Relojo

3 Ways to Teach Children on How to Express Themselves

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Dina Relojo, (2022, October 31). 3 Ways to Teach Children on How to Express Themselves. Psychreg on Family, Children & Relationship. https://www.psychreg.org/art-self-expression-ways-teach-children-express-themselves/
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Expressing oneself is a straightforward way to release stress and thoughts; it benefits our mental health. In addition, it helps us understand ourselves and our emotions as we process them.

Expressing ourselves does not end with how well we communicate what we think and feel; it is more than that. Also, not being able to express ourselves has a negative impact on our mental health. Be free and bold at the same time when expressing yourself.

We are limited to telling and showing what we feel, which impacts our mental health. We might feel oppressed by who we are. Self-expression also shows our creativity; it can be a powerful tool to help, heal, and maintain our mental health.

A great way to develop our self-expression is to start it young. Through self-expression, children get to know their uniqueness, which differentiates them from others. Helping children express themselves is crucial to forming self-regulation, coping strategies, and maintaining mental health.

Self-expression is a great way to promote good mental health. We must show kids how to express themselves regularly and in various ways if we want them to learn to take care of their mental health. In addition, we need to assist them in using these teachings in their daily lives.

Here are simple ways to incorporate self-expression into children’s day-to-day school activities

Small day-to-day activities

Integrate brief daily rituals to encourage self-expression. Include this in the routines you have with the kids.

Promote self-expression as a way to control emotions

Help children with difficulty controlling their feelings by recommending they spend five minutes reading, drawing, or listening to music. Give them room to unwind and assist them in learning how to do this.

Exemplify self-expression

Children pick up behaviours and self-control from the adults who are around them. So it is more important to show your actions than just what you say. The more you normalise, and model self-expression, the more probable the kid,s will do the same.

Giving kids the means to express themselves and being dedicated to it is essential if we want to improve their mental health. However, it can be challenging to express some emotions. There are some thoughts we have rather not voice aloud.

So the earlier a child learns to practise expressing themselves, the better for them as they grow up. We have a lot of thoughts and ideas since we are human, and these thoughts and ideas give us energy.

And if the creative force in our minds is left untapped, it has the potential to self-destruct, leaving us with a variety of worries and restlessness. We need to use our creativity to keep our emotional health.

Since we are not rejecting what we are feeling, when we communicate our emotions honestly, we are better able to handle them. Self-expression is our little way to show the world our freedom.

Final thoughts

This valuable skill of living in the moment and expressing themselves needs to be nurtured as it gradually expands their ability to connect with the world around them, which in turn paves way for a new skill – that of healthy self-expression.

As a parent, it’s important that you lead by example.  Let your kids see you celebrate your own quirks and interests, likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses! 

Dina Relojo is the social media manager of Psychreg. She is a high school teacher from the Philippines.


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