
Andrew Pain

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Contributor, (2020, January 8). Andrew Pain. Psychreg on Profiles.
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Andrew is a TEDx speaker and productivity coach. He serves people from all walks of life including: the long-term unemployed, ex-offenders, entrepreneurs, students and business leaders, helping them to take control of their time, so they achieve truly epic goals, but without sacrificing their most precious things.

To date, his clients include the NHS, Compassion UK, RoSPA, Youth Offending Service, and a range of schools, colleges and small/mid-sized businesses. 

As a survivor of domestic abuse, Andrew also campaigns for domestic abuse to be de-gendered. He regularly writes articles covering parental alienation, the family courts and domestic abuse.

You can learn more about him and his services by visiting his website. You can connect with him on Twitter @andrewpain1974





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