Tommy Williamson

Emotional Distress After a Car Accident: Can You Request Compensation?

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Tommy Williamson, (2021, October 1). Emotional Distress After a Car Accident: Can You Request Compensation?. Psychreg on Positivity & Lifestyle.
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It’s not uncommon for people to experience emotional distress after a car accident. If you’re someone who has been in an accident and is experiencing these negative feelings, it may be time to request compensation for your injuries.

Here are some considerations on what qualifies as emotional distress and how you can receive the damages that you deserve.

When is emotional distress after a car accident considered compensable by law?

Emotional distress is considered compensable when it can be diagnosed as a result of injuries resulting from a car accident. These damages include loss of enjoyment in life and activities, as well as diminished interest and participation in sexual relations with your spouse or significant other. Even depression that causes feelings such as hopelessness, sadness, and loneliness can be considered as emotional distress.

Some people may also experience insomnia or sleeping disorders, as well as fatigue or excessive crying when the accident is brought up in conversation. According to the seasoned legal professionals behind Attwood Marshall Lawyers, if the accident was caused by the negligence of another driver, and it’s clear that they are at fault, then your emotional distress can be considered compensable if its symptoms occur within one year following the date of your car accident. It is important to note that this clause only applies if you were not the cause of your injuries.

Consider hiring a lawyer if you are unsure about whether or not your emotional distress is considered compensable by law. When it comes down to it, requesting compensation for emotional distress can be difficult since there isn’t always proof that these feelings occurred as a result of the accident.

How to request compensation for emotional distress following an automobile accident

To request compensation for your emotional distress, you must first file a lawsuit against the other driver that was at fault. You can do this by hiring a lawyer or representing yourself in court. Next, make sure to mention your injuries as well as how they have negatively impacted your life and daily activities such as work and socializing with friends and family members. If you can prove that the accident occurred due to the negligence of another driver, then you will likely receive compensation for your emotional distress.

The importance of seeking out medical treatment

Make sure to seek medical attention immediately following a car accident if you feel that you are injured. This will be your first step in the process of requesting compensation for emotional distress, lost income, and medical bills after an automobile collision. Once again, it’s important to note that only injuries resulting from a car accident can qualify as compensable damages. Emotional distress is considered legally valid when diagnosed by a medical professional within one year of the accident date.

What are some ways to prevent psychological trauma from occurring in the event of a car crash?

There are several things that you can do to prevent psychological trauma that results from a car accident. These include trying not to talk about your feelings with others, or only talk about this with the people closest to you. You should also try to avoid triggers such as seeing an ambulance or hear sirens, since these may remind you of how it felt when you were in the crash.

Another way of preventing psychological trauma from occurring as a result of a car accident is by hiring the best lawyer possible. Go online and read reviews about different attorneys in your area before contacting them to see if they’re experienced enough to handle this type of case since it can be difficult and complex at times.

As much as possible, try to keep your life as normal and stable as you can. Engage in activities such as exercise, listening to music, or simply laughing. No one wants to experience emotional distress after a car accident. However, if you do find yourself experiencing these feelings following an automobile collision, and it’s clear that another driver was at fault for the crash, then you have every right to request compensation for your injuries.


If you or your loved ones have been involved in a motor vehicle collision, it is important to seek out medical treatment for the injuries that you may have sustained. While emotional distress after an auto accident can be considered compensable by law, many people do not know how to request compensation for their pain and suffering. The psychological trauma following car accidents can be devastating if left untreated, so better consult with a legal professional. They will be able to provide you with assistance when coping with mental anguish after being involved in a motor vehicle collision.

Tommy Williamson did his degree in psychology at the University of Edinburgh. He is interested in mental health and well-being.

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