
Caralyn Bains

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Contributor, (2019, December 20). Caralyn Bains. Psychreg on Profiles.
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Caralyn Bains is an applied coaching psychologist working with people to help them find their optimal best self. This does not really apply to how the world sees someone, so much as it applies to the person being their best self for their own life quality.

To do this her approaches include looking at growth conditions, working through trauma, and tools such as the application of the positivity ratio and gratitude spotting.  

As well as her company, Best of You Consultancy she also runs Frontline Trauma Resilience Consultancy, helping front line staff to manage trauma.  

She is an Associate Fellow with the British Psychological Society, with a BSc (Hons) in Psychology and MSc in Applied Positive Psychology. 

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