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5 Ways the ‘Quiet Luxury’ Interiors Trend Can Transform Your Sleep

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Psychreg News Team, (2023, June 21). 5 Ways the ‘Quiet Luxury’ Interiors Trend Can Transform Your Sleep. Psychreg on Positivity & Lifestyle.
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“Quiet luxury” is the trend of the moment and has generated a staggering 143.9 million views on TikTok. But did you know that implementing it into your bedroom interiors can benefit your sleep?

As the trend is all about minimalism and decluttered spaces, it helps people disconnect from the hustle and bustle of their everyday lives while being encouraged to relax. 

Rex Isap, Happy Beds’s CEO and sleep expert, has shared five ways the interior trend can promote a peaceful slumber.

The “quiet luxury” colour palette is relaxing and harmonious, making the room feel more open and airy

The soft, muted colour palette with the “quiet luxury” trend can create a harmonious atmosphere in your bedroom, which is pivotal in promoting restful sleep. Colours such as soft blues and greens are often associated with nature. They can emphasise relaxation and harmony, whereas pastel shades like lavender create a gentle atmosphere despite giving that pop of colour.

Bold, bright colours can suppress the release of melatonin – also known as the sleep hormone – in your body, making it more difficult to sleep. Soft colours also can visually expand a room, making it feel more open and airy. This is why they’re perfect for the bedroom, as they enhance the overall sense of calmness, which can help promote a restful slumber.

A decluttered bedroom promotes more restful sleep

At its heart, the ‘Quiet Luxury’ trend is understated, minimalist and calming. It creates a strong foundation for your sleep hygiene, which refers to a set of practices that help promote restful sleep. The calmer and more relaxing the space, you will likely enjoy quality sleep.

Many studies have confirmed that clutter in the bedroom can negatively impact your sleep quality, whereas decluttered bedrooms allow you to enter deeper sleep more easily. 

The “quiet luxury” trend concerns minimalism and warmth, so your bedroom should reflect a clean, calm environment that promotes relaxation. A few meaningful or visually appealing items can be displayed, but keep the rest stored in storage solutions, such as baskets, drawers or shelves. 

Aesthetic oil diffusers can help calm a distracted mind

Oil diffusers create a subtle and sophisticated way to enhance the ambience of a room, as well as your sleep, due to them realising aromatic essential oils into the air, creating a therapeutic effect. When switched on, they tend to produce a gentle hum, similar to white noise, which can help calm a distracted mind at night, resulting in the person falling asleep faster as their cortisol levels (otherwise known as the stress hormone) drop. 

Sleep-inducing scents are a great way to improve your slumber, and Happy Beds have revealed that these are the top essential oils for sleep

  • Cedarwood and sandalwood
  • Lavender
  • Peppermint
  • Chamomile
  • Eucalyptus

Understated artwork can lower cortisol levels which helps you sleep better

Understated artwork with subtle charm aligns perfectly with the “quiet luxury” trend. Artwork featuring natural scenes, for instance, can evoke positive emotions, contributing to better sleep and decreased cortisol levels. By reducing the impact of daily stressors that can disrupt sleep, you create a serene atmosphere for uninterrupted rest and peaceful nights.

Plants are not only a part of the trend but can help you fall asleep faster

Adding greenery to your bedroom can emulate the “old money” aspect of “quiet luxury”. Small potted trees that are simple, classic and timeless perfectly encapsulate the trend. And the best bit, nature and greenery, can help you sleep.

Plants in the bedroom are proven to help you sleep by reducing feelings of stress, promoting energy and even improving the air quality. Also, watering your plants and interacting with them for 15 minutes could reduce cortisol levels, leaving you with more time trying to get to sleep

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