Ellen Diamond

4 Health Benefits of Monitoring Temperature and Humidity at Home

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Ellen Diamond, (2022, April 7). 4 Health Benefits of Monitoring Temperature and Humidity at Home. Psychreg on Positivity & Lifestyle. https://www.psychreg.org/health-benefits-monitoring-temperature-humnidity-home/
Reading Time: 3 minutes

There are plenty of people who believe that the concept of smart homes is nothing more than gimmicks. I believe; they are living far from the truth. Tell me; buying the best indoor outdoor thermometer to maintain a comfortable humidity level or an advanced weather device to know the weather conditions before leaving home doesn’t make you smarter than the rest?

Such smart purchases drastically improve your physical and mental health; help you sleep better and stay healthier. In this article, I’ll specifically point my finger at the health benefits of a reliable hygrometer. We all love to sleep. Let’s start with it.

Helps you to have a healthy sleep at night

As you know, our sweet homely environments no longer remain friendly. The scorching heat and chilled winter months lead us to sleepless nights. Several recent research papers show that the wrong temperature and humidity level could cause sleeplessness. 

If the room becomes uncomfortably hot or cold, our brains struggle to achieve a comfortable set point for body temperature and making us more likely to wake up. The comfortable temperature and moist air affect the quality of REM (rapid eye movement), in which stage we dream.

The smart home temperature monitor device automatically sets the indoor temperature to a comfortable level when you sleep and ensures a good night’s sleep.

Stop growing mold and Bacteria inside the home

Mold tends to grow on paper, wood, and organic fibers, but they require high humidity and warm temperature for growth. Molds generally grow at the same temperature; they are comfortable for humans. That means there’s no practical way to escape them unless you get ready to stay in uncomfortable weather. 

Here, you could prevent their growth by reducing the humidity level. You may have basically noticed mold in the bathrooms or the areas hit with the water leakage problem. Molds and bacteria need a lot of water to thrive; the bacteria start growing at a relative humidity of 50% or higher, whereas the molds need a 70% or higher relative humidity level. 

Mold irritates nasal passages, triggers allergies and asthma, and even could cause serious respiratory diseases; different kinds of bacteria cause serious illnesses. Don’t overlook such an issue; otherwise, you will repent for a lifetime. Immediately limits the mold and bacteria by controlling the humidity level inside the house with the assistance of a proper hygrometer.  

Increase physical discomfort

Low humidity or dry air leads to dry skin and eye, inflammation in sinuses and airways due to dry mucous linings; that also increases the chance of getting affected by airborne viruses like the flu. You’ll feel irritation and itching in the skin due to a lack of moisture as well as it triggers Eczema rashes. 

On the other hand, excessive moist air triggers asthma and allergy, encouraging the growth of mold and making us tremendously uncomfortable and sweaty.

A relative humidity level between 40% and 50% is the ideal humidity level for indoors. Any higher or lower reading on the hygrometer would make you feel uncomfortable. A reliable hygrometer only could let you know the present indoor humidity level. So, you can take the right action of either turning on the heater or ventilation device, humidifiers, and dehumidifiers. 

Enhance work productivity

An optimal and comfortable environment will positively influence your mental state; lead you towards positive thoughts, and spend eventful days. Suppose you haven’t slept well at night, or maybe your hands get frozen and shaking due to excessive low temperature, or the scorching heat is making you feel sweaty, sticky, and super uncomfortable; naturally, you can’t concentrate on your work.   

Generally, approximately 68F–70 F temperature rating is a comfortable room temperature for healthy sleep, but not for when someone is working. Several studies have claimed that warmer is better, and they suggest 68 to 77 F temperature for the offices or working spaces.

A research team had experimented with a few office employees implementing different temperatures. The keying rate of the workers was 100% with a 10% error rate at 77 F temperature, whereas their keyboarding performance got down to 54% with a 25% error rate at 68 F temperature. Thus, they concluded that a warmer temperature is better for the working space. So, consider raising the temperature inside the working space to increase productivity. 

There are several devices, like a smart thermostat, smart sensor, smart indoor thermometer, hygrometer, etc that remotely monitors temperature and atmospheric humidity, push notification or send alert message to your phone to help you effortlessly maintain optimal condition in your home. Smart humidifiers or dehumidifiers are also available in the market; that automate comfortable climates and improve air quality based on weather. 


I believe; a smart home is a healthy home, but unfortunately, several people step back fretting about the potential cost of smart devices. Hopefully, you’ll not do that believing monitoring and controlling the indoor temperature plus humidity positively affects our physical and mental health. And you know health is wealth. So, it’s okay to splash your cash on a smart home device.

Ellen Diamond did her degree in psychology at the University of Hertfordshire. She is interested in mental health, wellness, and lifestyle.

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