Robert Haynes

5 Tips to Boost Your Mental Health

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Robert Haynes, (2021, October 1). 5 Tips to Boost Your Mental Health. Psychreg on Positivity & Lifestyle.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Looking after our mental health is one of the most important aspects of our lives. Depending on the lifestyle you lead, it can be easy to forget that our minds need looking after as well as our bodies. If you’re struggling to give your mental health the attention it needs, the following are five things you can start doing today. 

Financial security

Being financially secure will take away one of the most worried about aspects of our lives: money. Unfortunately, money does make the world go around and, without it, getting from one day to another is difficult. Lack of money will contribute to poor mental health, which is why you should do what you can to get your finances in order. If you are a life insurance policyholder, you have the option of selling it for a lump sum of cash. If you have any questions about how you can sell your life insurance policy, you can review a guide that will show you how to do it online. Remember, no matter how bad you think things are, there are always options to free up money and put yourself in a much better position financially. 

Value yourself

The starting point to any improvement you need to make in your mental health is to value yourself. If you are showing signs of low self-esteem and struggling to find self-worth, you are going to find it difficult to start doing anything else. Think about the positive aspects of your life and your personality. It is all too easy for us to focus on the negatives and forget that there are so many good things about ourselves. Write a journal that outlines all the positive things you did during a day or even just write down all the positive things about yourself. 


Going for a long walk or a run is a great way to clear your head and also release endorphins that put us in a better headspace. There’s also the discipline part of regularly doing exercise. Establishing and sticking to a routine gives you a sense of accomplishment and self-worth as you are making tangible efforts to improve your lifestyle and body. If you are not in good shape currently, there’s no need to throw yourself straight into it, take it slowly. Start by walking or doing short workouts at home and slowly build up. There are also spa treatments for your soul and body that you can treat yourself to as a compliment to your overall exercise routine.


The most given piece of advice when it comes to mental health but also one of the most valuable. Talking is a good way to release any thoughts and feelings that have been building up inside. There is also the fact that by doing so you are having a form of social interaction, and it is likely the person you are talking to will be able to empathize with you. Being the recipient of empathy will help you to rationalize your own thoughts and you will feel less alone. Find a trusted friend and let it all out, you’ll instantly feel a sense of release.


You might think that learning will just add to stress and pressure but learning in this sense is a less formal manner. Find something you really want to learn about and start studying. Just don’t put pressure on yourself and enjoy it as an opportunity to give your mind something else to focus on other than the stresses and worries of everyday life. As with exercise there’s also a boost in self-worth, because whatever you choose to study will improve you and make you feel you are doing something substantial with your life. 

Robert Haynes did his degree in psychology at the University of Hertfordshire. He is interested in mental health and well-being.

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