
Daniel Walker

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Contributor, (2021, September 27). Daniel Walker. Psychreg on Profiles.
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Daniel Walker is a third-year PhD student at Edge Hill University investigating the impact of sports-related concussions on mental health, cognition, and quality of life. Daniel is a lecturer at the University of Bradford.

His work attempts to explore how concussion and physical pain, which often accompanies this, act on these three broad outcomes. With a keen interest in mental health, he has previously published work in the journal Sport and Exercise Psychology Review on the impact of injury and physical pain on depressive symptoms in student-athletes. He has also written for The Psychologist and has appeared on several podcasts discussing issues surrounding psychology.

Alongside this, Daniel works as a freelance proofreader/editor for researchers at the University of Salzburg.

You can connect with him on Twitter @walkerd_ehu.
