
Grace Farrar

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Contributor, (2021, April 7). Grace Farrar. Psychreg on Profiles.
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Grace Farrar is a coordinator for Unmasked, a mental health organisation which offers a range of services including an app, which has been downloaded in over 68 countries, a low-cost counselling service, and peer-run support hubs.

Unmasked are frontline in the battle for better mental health, and part of this is eradicating the stigma by getting people to talk. As part of this role, Grace writes various ‘quick read’ blogs for numerous publications on contemporary topics surrounding mental health, with the aim to highlight the multitude of ways that mental health is incorporated into all of our lives.

Grace holds a BA Hons in Sociology from Newcastle University with studies focused around the understanding and functioning of different groups within modern society. After graduating in 2019, Grace lived in Barcelona for two years, working as a secondary school English teacher alongside exploring the city and expanding her understanding of social groups in a different cultural setting.



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