
Joanne Docherty

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Contributor, (2022, July 25). Joanne Docherty. Psychreg on Profiles.
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Joanne is a mental health consultant and trainer and the founder of Starra Education. She delivers accredited mental health training to organisations and individuals all over the world. She also teaches Psychology at the University of Glasgow. She sits on the Scottish Parliament’s Cross-Party Group on Mental Health and is the figurehead for Psychologists for Social Change – Scotland

Joanne is heavily involved in third sector community work and is the chair for Nurture Scotland, an organisation that supports kinship carers; she was raised in kinship care herself. She also sits on the executive management team of Govan Youth Information Project, a non-profit organisation that delivers empowering youth work to children and young people.

You can find her on Twitter and Instagram @StarraEducation.



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